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  • 上海大学(中国),计算机工程与科学学院,工学学士(2012年9月~2016年6月)
  • 上海大学(中国),计算机工程与科学学院,工学硕士(2016年9月~2019年4月)
  • 东北师范大学(中国),留日预备学校,日语学习(2019年10月~2020年8月)
  • 筑波大学(日本),情报工学部(计算机科学),博士在读(2020年10月~至今)(文部科学省奖学金)


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  • S Li, A Nakata. CSIML: a cost-sensitive and iterative machine-learning method for small and imbalanced materials data sets[J]. Chemistry Letters, 2024, 53(5).[DOI]
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  • Wei X, Zhang Y, Liu X, J Peng, S Li, R Che, H Zhang. A domain knowledge enhanced machine learning method to predict the properties of halide double perovskite \(A_2B^+B^{3+}X_6\) [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023.[DOI]
  • H Zhang, X Liu, G Zhang, Y Zhu, S Li, Q Qian, D Dai, R Che, T Xu, Deriving equation from data via knowledge discovery and machine learning: A study of Young’s modulus of Ti-Nb alloys[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2023, 228:112349.[DOI]
  • H Zhang, R Hu, X Liu, S Li, G Zhang, Q Qian, G Ding, D Dai. An end-to-end machine learning framework exploring phase formation for high entropy alloys[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2022, [DOI]
  • W Zheng , H Zhang, H Hu, Y Liu, S Li, G Ding, J Zhang. Performance prediction of perovskite materials based on different machine learning algorithms[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2019, 29(04): 803-809.[DOI](中文)
  • Y Liu, H Zhang, Y Xu, S Li, D Dai, C Li, G Ding, W Shen, Q Qian. Prediction of Superconducting Transition Temperature Using A Machine-Learning Method[J]. Materiali in tehnologije, 2018, 52(5): 639-643.[DOI]
  • H Zhang, G Zhou, S Li, X Fan, Z Guo, T Xu, Y Xu, X Chen, D Dai, Q Qian. Application of fuzzy learning in the research of binary alloys: Revisit and validation[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 172: 109350.[DOI]
  • D Dai, T Xu, H Hu, Z Guo, Q Liu, S Li, Q Qian, Y Xu, H Zhang. A New Method to Characterize Limited Material Datasets of High-Entropy Alloys Based on the Feature Engineering and Machine Learning[J]. Available at SSRN 3442010.[DOI]


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